Mountaineering training for your International adventure. We have guides in Ireland, Scotland and Colorado ready to help you get the training needed for your International trekking, climbing or Mountaineering expedition.
Mountaineering training for your International adventure
Our instructors are AMI, AMGA Mountain Instructors and International Mountain guides. We have weekend training in Scotland each year. We can also provide a full and comprehensive range of tailor made, personal personal training courses throughout all mountain areas of Ireland, Scotland and Colorado.
1). Rock Climbing
2). Mountain Leadership
3). Single Pitch and Multi Pitch Climbing
4). Winter Skills
5). Film Safety and Rigging
6). Mountain Skills Navigation
7). Ice Climbing
Mountaineering training for your International adventure
If you want to build your skill set and train for some of our Himalayan climbs then Contact us now. Also, we have the team training ready to assist you in your preparation. We are available 5 days a week in support of your trekking, climbing or expedition and want to help you get the best information available.
Mountaineering training for your International adventure
If you are looking for mountain training or joining others out hiking just let us know. You can join us hiking in Colorado. Lets walk and talk. We are available to help you get moving in the right direction. Remember hiking with weighted back pack is vital for success climbing and trekking on foreign shores. For more information about getting on one of these courses or join one of our training hikes. e-mail or call us today.