Can acclimate to altitude from home? There is a solution and if you are considering a high altitude trip like Aconcagua, Denali, some Himalayan peaks you could considering supplementing your training and preparation with one of these systems from Mile High Training.
Planning a Climb?
If you’ve ever wanted to climb one of the Seven Summits, but have been worried about getting altitude sickness, then you’ve come to the right place. Our altitude simulation equipment can help you pre-acclimate to altitude prior to going on your high altitude adventure.
Simply through sleeping, breathing or exercising in a low-oxygen environment, the body makes changes to adapt to high altitudes and thus reduces the likelihood and/or severity of altitude illness. By using our altitude tent for sleeping at altitude or our altitude mask
for stationary exercise or intermittent hypoxic breathing (IHB ) we can help ensure you will not experience the debilitating effects of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS).
Science of Pre-Acclimatization
Normally, at sea-level, healthy people have an oxygen saturation (spo2) level in the blood of 98-99% (oxygen saturation means the percentage of oxygen in the blood). When you go to high altitudes, the percentage (%) of oxygen in the blood goes down quite significantly.
A prolonged exposure to these lower blood oxygen levels is the main reason people start feeling the negative effects of altitude. Our goal, and what our equipment does best, is conditions the body to this lower oxygen state.
Put another way, our equipment creases RESISTANCE to lower oxygen levels in the blood. If you are able to maintain higher oxygen levels in the blood, you are less likely to get altitude sickness – it’s kind of that simple.
How Does the Training Work?
Through Sleeping at altitude, exercising at altitude or performing IHB (Intermittent Hypoxic Braining), individuals can ensure they are acclimated to altitude prior to their trips and thus fully enjoy their high-altitude experience. We recommend a combination of sleeping at altitude and altitude exercise or IHB to get the most benefit before going high.
High altitude exercise consists of sustained exercise workouts at altitude and IHB consists of short-duration stationary breathing sessions at very high altitudes (up to 21,000ft). Sessions should take place 3-4 times per week for 3-4 weeks prior to departure. Don’t worry, we provide very specific protocols to follow to ensure you are
completely acclimated before your next high altitude adventure.
Why it Works
Simulated altitude training, also known as hypoxic (low oxygen) training is the only proven method of pre-acclimatizing to altitude. Acclimating to altitude at-home will increase your oxygen saturation levels while on the mountain.
Low blood oxygen levels in the blood are the main culprit of altitude sickness. The
only way to condition yourself to high altitude is to expose yourself to lower oxygen air prior to your altitude adventure. Check out the package.
Please see the research immediately below and check out our testimonials.
Proven benefits for acclimatization
-Reduced symptoms of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)
-Reduced incidence of Altitude Sickness
-Higher blood-oxygenation levels at altitude
-Greater work tolerance/exercise capacity at altitude
-Increased capillary density
Customer Testimonials:
“Honestly, with the weather and altitude, there is no way we could have made it without your altitude tent, only 7 people summited that day and the other 5 were professional climbers.” – J.K., GA
“Considering we had no altitude issues while much of the group did, I’m very happy I made this investment to ensure altitude wouldn’t be something that could derail our adventure. Thanks a ton!” – Dr. Grant M., CA
“Coming straight from sea level to Puebla (7,000 feet) with no problem and doing Malinche (14,500 feet) less than 24 hours after landing; we felt great the whole time. Very happy we used the equipment for 3 weeks prior to the trip, there’s no way we would have been as successful or felt as good.” – Cody, FL
“Thanks for guiding me to a successful race!! Ended up getting first in our age division and avoiding altitude sickness. I actually felt better than my partner who lives in Colorado” – Jaclyn, NC
“It’s been working great, got my resting heart rate down 4 beats.” – Patrick, NY
Things are going great!! I’m really progressing with my training and seeing some great results. Still sleeping in my tent and we are at 13,500k feet. Feeling the best I’ve felt in years!! – Adam, IA
“In conclusion, I think sleeping in the high altitude tent imposed all expected physiological changes in my body: it increased my blood hematocrit and hemoglobin, improved my metabolic efficiency and gut health, and it gave me a noticeable change in energy levels and sports performance feel two weeks post-altitude. In addition, it seemed to improve my electrolytes, DHEA-S and glucose levels as well as my body composition and recovery – changes that were maintained 2wks post high-altitude. I had no
problems or side effects with my sleep and adaptation process at all.” – Loukia Lili, PhD, NY